Friday, June 12, 2015

Puppies, puppies, and did I mention puppies?

Another day of team training is in the books, Today after we were done I let me dog Jubilee along with several of her friends out to play in the pool and the huge field we have. Below are some photos from training as well as some photos from the play date!

My Facebook page: Catie Photography

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Team Training

I had the opportunity to volunteer at Susquehanna Service Dogs team training for the month of June. I am a puppy raiser with this amazing organization and thought it would be amazing to go and see how the dogs are in the end result. Below are some photos I took, and will be taking more tomorrow.

If you would like to check them out and/or donate to these amazing dogs they are on Facebook!

Facebook page
More Information and to Donate

Friday, June 5, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Hey, everyone! I wanted to make a quick post apologizing that I haven't posted any photos lately!

Summer classes started and the weather is not cooperating with me at the moment, one day it is 90 and super humid the next it's 55 and rainy!

I have a shoot scheduled for Friday morning so keep a look out for those!
